Assessment Intent
Assessment Intent
Assessment is integral to the teaching and learning process, serving as a powerful tool to influence and enhance learning. It helps our students become self-directed, lifelong learners, as they monitor, assess, and improve their own learning. As we design assessments with clarity of purpose to gather evidence of our students’ progress, provide timely and targeted feedback to them to move their learning forward, students learn to check their own work, see where they need to improve, and find ways to learn better. This helps them take charge of their own learning.
Homework is one of the learning processes where it is designed to reinforce the knowledge and skills acquired in the classroom. Homework refers to any learning activity that students need to complete outside of curriculum time, regardless of the mode of delivery (i.e. pen-and-paper, virtual/ online). This includes assignments and projects but not revision of schoolwork or studying for tests and examinations. It provides students with the opportunity to practise, assess and apply what they have learned, promoting retention and mastery.
Homework reinforces students’ learning, provide feedback on their progress and cultivate a healthy disposition towards continual learning. Focused efforts in homework will:
reinforce learning and deepen understanding of lessons taught;
allow students to regularly practice, and apply skills and concepts taught;
develop good study skills and habits; and
encourage greater ownership and responsibility for independent learning.
To support our students with their learning, home environment can assist their child/ward to:
understand the purpose of homework, and what is expected of them;
keep track of homework instructions and deadlines;
manage time well to ensure homework is completed and submitted on time;
give his/her best effort in completing homework; and
review feedback from teachers on homework submitted.
School-based Assessments
School-based Assessments are crucial checkpoints as they enable us to assess student understanding, tailor teaching methods, and provide real-time feedback. They offer a holistic evaluation beyond exams, contributing to a comprehensive view of students' abilities. In Bendemeer Secondary, our School-Based Assessments comprises of Weighted Assessment (WA) and End-of Year (EOY) Examinations.
Termly Weighted Assessment (WA) are conducted to gauge the learning progress of the students. These can be in the form of written tests, project work, performance-based tasks and other forms. Year-End Examination (EOY) will be conducted at the end of each academic year for Secondary 1, 2 and 3 students. For students who are taking National Examination (GCE ‘N’ and ‘O’ Level Examination) at the end of the year, the school will conduct Non-Weighted Assessments in Terms 1 and 2 as well as Preliminary Examination at the end of Term 3.